【Takstar ENS-10MS Audio System】Product Detail - Takstar company

ENS-10MS IP PA System Software Service Sackage

  • IP Public Address

  ENS-10MS IP PA system software service package  consists of server software, station software and USB key and progaam production.  

  • It controls the linked equipment, including microphone, talkback terminal, PA terminal and other linked equipment

  • It displays various terminal operation status,e.g. login IP address, volume, task status, and can adjust all terminal volume 

  • Various terminal specification: terminal name, PA right(operation range, priority), talkback right(paging range, priority), monitoring right (monitoring range), etc.

  • Real time broadcasting and timing broadcast function; It can broadcast music or notice to the specific terminal via sound card

  • Broadcast the files, broadcast teh audio files in server to the specification terminal(supporting multiple channel broadcasting simultaneously)

  • Timing task: Timing broadcast the file content to the preset terminal Timing playing the file content to the specific terminal 

  • Fire broadcast: when the server receives the triggered signal from termincal, it broadcasts emergency evacuation vocal to the specific zone  

  • Program management: the broadcast audio file needed for system maintenance can be recalled by the station and terminal

  • The operation software has data interface to the account relative operation right

  • Diary function, it has the record of paging, communication and PA operation for checking

  • One server capacity 1000 terminals, supporting 64 servers linked

  • Supporting hot switching of main server and redundant server to improve the system reliability

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